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New Jersey's Online Searchable Database for Brownfield Properties

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Site Information

Soltz Paint

Adjacent to Sunoco Gas Station and Dominoes Pizzaria. Located on main highway


ATLANTIC County, 2517 Atlantic Ave , Atlantic City, NJ 08401

Block: 275, Lot: 27, Coordinates: 508267:190389        View with DEP iMap         View with Google Map

Basic Information:
Brownfields Site Number: 2372, This site is for:,Assessed Value: $250,000 to $1,000,000
Site Status: Pending Receipt of Waiver, Planning Area Designation: Planning Area 1, PI(Program Interest Number):

Owner Information
OwnerType - Private          Owner - Soltz Paint   * *   PO box 1842   Atlantic City ,   NJ  08404
Phone: (555) 555-5555          Fax: (999) 999-9999          Email: Send an email to bob.carter@marathonconsultants.com
Authorized Representative: William J. Rafferty          Relation to Owner: City Engineer
Phone: (999) 999-9999          Email:

Municipal Contact
Contact: William J. Rafferty   City of Atlantic City Office of the City Engineer   City Engineer   1301 Bacharach Boulevard   Atlantic City ,  NJ  08401
Phone: (609) 347-5360          Fax: (609) 347-5371          Email: Send an email to engineer@cityofatlanticcity.org
Taxes Information
Tax certificate held: Yes
Cost of annual property taxes: $28,949
Tax liens in effect: Unknown
Other liens or judgements in effect: Unknown

Site Information
Current Zoning: Commercial Proposed Zoning:
Copy of title insurance policy available: Development plan completed: Unknown
Market study completed:Unknown

Current / Previous Operations
Description of current operations:
Description of prior operations/site history:

Property and Buildings
Property size in acres: * Property size in range: .25 – 1
Land use or deed restriction(s) in effect: No Easement(s) in effect: Unknown
Number of Buildings: 3

Public water available: Yes Electric available: Yes Gas available: Yes
Public Sewer available: Yes Telephone available: Yes
Cable available: Unknown Fiber optics available: Unknown

Closest Major Highways Closest Local Highways
miles from site miles from site
Closest Rail Line Traffic study completed:Unknown
Rail Type: Road access:2-Lane
Waterfront Access:No
miles from site Public transportation access: Unknown

Wetlands present: NoRemediation in progress: No
Sensitive ecosystems or habitats present: NoEstimated completion of Remediation:
Endangered species present: NoNJ Preliminary Assessment/Site Investigation (PA/SI) completed: Yes
Historic or archaeological site present: NoNJ Remedial Investigation (RI) completed: Yes
Located within 100 year flood plain: YesRemedial Action Workplan (RAW) completed: Yes
Located within 500 year flood plain: YesSite entered in State Voluntary Cleanup Program: Unknown
Copies of environmental reports available: UnknownSite ever involved in environmental litigation: Unknown
Site is on the following list: State ProgRegulatory sign-off completed: Yes

Final Comments
GPS Coordinates N 39 21.383' W 74 26.560'